Human Trafficking Presentations available
Looking for a speaker for your organization? AAUW St. Augustine Branch has studied human trafficking in Florida and would like to increase public awareness.
We are offering presentations centered on public awareness of the problem, resources, how to report, what businesses can do and current legislation. Presentations utilizing PowerPoint will be approximately 20 minutes and offered from September through May 2024. To schedule contact Linda Andiric at
New to the Topic of Human Trafficking in Florida?
Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking has many resources, trainings and posters. Check out the January 24, 2023 webinar: Hidden in Plain Sight: Myths, Facts and What You Can Do to End Human Trafficking
Social Media Human Trafficking Shareables
Tag Blue Campaign on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram using @DHSBlueCampaign.
- Would you be able to spot a victim of #HumanTrafficking? In recognition of World Day Against Trafficking in Persons on July 30, learn the potential indicators from @DHSBlueCampaign:
- We all have a role to play in the fight to #EndTrafficking. Learn what you can do:
- Myth: Only girls and women are targeted by sex traffickers. The truth is boys, men, and nonbinary individuals can be sex trafficking victims, too. Read about more common myths here:
- Did you know that July 30 is World Day Against Trafficking in Persons? Find out more about this day and how you can help #EndTrafficking:
2023 Human Trafficking Organizations Reports
Florida’s Statewide Council on Human Trafficking 2023 Report
Shared Hope International’s Report Cards on Child and Youth Sex Trafficking
US Dept of State: 2023 Trafficking in Persons Report
US Dept Homeland Security Countering Human Trafficking Year in Review 10/2022-9/2023
Human Trafficking Data Collection Activities, 2023
2023 Human Trafficking Summit
Videos are available until March 30, 2024
January 2024 Human Trafficking Awareness Month Proclamations
City of St Augustine Beach Received by AAUW St Augustine Branch
St Augustine Beach Human Trafficking Proclamations December 4 received by President Cathie Altman with Commissioners and Sheryll Sharpe from Betty Griffin Center.
St Johns County Proclamation Received by AAUW St Augustine Branch

Human Trafficking Awareness Proclamation sponsored by Commissioner Roy Alaimo received by Betsy Ford, Cathie Altman, Karen Zalkin and Anne Laure Wagner
St Augustine City Proclamation Received by AAUW St Augustine Branch
Stop Human Trafficking
AAUW supports legislation to prevent human trafficking. We believe in accordance with National, “global interdependence requires national and international policies against human trafficking that promote peace, justice, human rights, sustainable development, and mutual security for all people.” Get quick facts about human trafficking..
For Help or to report possible trafficking, contact the National Human Trafficking Hotline
1-888-373-7888 OR Text HELP to 233733 (BEFREE)
Visit the National Human Trafficking Hotline
Florida Abuse Hotline 1-800-96-ABUSE (1-800-962-2873) to report known or suspected child abuse, neglect or abandonment of children or exploitation of a vulnerable adult
Combating human trafficking is a top priority for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Human trafficking involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, nearly 25 million men, women, and children are trafficked worldwide – including here in the United States.
DHS is a federal leader in this fight and works with partners at every level to prevent this heinous crime, identify and protect victims, and bring perpetrators to justice. The DHS Center for Countering Human Trafficking (CCHT) integrates the efforts of 16 Agencies and Offices within DHS that carry out our anti-trafficking mission. These efforts range from criminal investigations, victim assistance, and combating forced labor in exports destined for the United States to external outreach and public education, intelligence, and training. Under the leadership of Secretary Mayorkas,
Read the article here: DHS Efforts to Combat Human Trafficking
▲ Voices for Florida Good source for webinars on human trafficking
▲ Florida Alliance to End Human Trafficking
▲ Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Efforts to Combat Trafficking
▲ 2021 Florida Department of Children and Families HT report
▲ October 31, 2021 Annual Report from State Wide Council on Human Trafficking Florida
▲ Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking
—The Issue
▲ Shared Hope International
— Report Cards
—State Action